I really like the way this came out. I used some Plymouth Fantasy Naturale I had in my stash and it was the perfect weight and drape for the garter stitch pattern. I just love the way it fits - sure wish I had a resident photographer so I could show you on a real person.
It kind of stays contoured to the body, not falling open even though nothing holds it together. I think this is because of the combination of short rows (making a bias where a dart would be) plus the weight and texture of the yarn plus the garter stitch.
The only thing I don't like about it is the back seam. I'm thinking hard about how this could be done without sacrificing the bias short rows exactly where they are. I'm thinking it might be possible if you finish the back as one piece and then pick up stitches on each side and work around the front to the collar (the opposite direction that EZ's is worked)
The thing I do like about the back is that sexy little curved split in the center of the lower back, and I think I could still get that without the seam.
Just add it to the overflowing pile of ideas in my bushel basket.